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Ryan's Hope

Changing policy, ending stigma and saving lives!

Ryan was a gift to the world and to our lives and I want you to know him, and also know how much his life mattered and how huge a hole he has left behind in the lives of so many people. My son was a gifted writer and a musician. He was highly educated and earned an Honours Bachelor Degree and a Master’s Degree before becoming ill with Bipolar Disorder. He got sick while he was living alone in Edmonton and did not know how to cope with what was going on in his mind. He used drugs to self-medicate and help him cope. Due to the fact that Ryan had concurrent disorders, the odds for getting help and treatment were double stacked against him. Ryan fought hard to stay strong and stay alive but in the early morning hours of Sunday November 29rd he lost his fight, dying just one week shy of his 35th birthday due to a toxic drug poisoning. Advocating for people with mental illness, and substance use issues and those experiencing homelessness was Ryan's mission. In his memory and honour we will continue this fight. We will work our hardest to change policies, end stigma and save lives! We invite you to join us in this mission and fight.

Ryan's Hope: About
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